Candidate Sourcing.

Sourcing : To identify the best candidates for an open position, you have to first understand what your requirements are and then do a competitive analysis of the top candidates that fit those requirements.

Let’s discuss some of the things you should be thinking about when you start to consider candidate sourcing. Why Candidate Sourcing? Before you start to think about how to implement candidate sourcing, you need to understand why it makes sense. If you’re not looking to hire a full time employee or an individual contributor, there are plenty of reasons why you may want to consider using a third party to fill open roles. The most obvious one is that you are looking to fill a role with someone who is already employed. When you’re hiring from within, there’s a good chance that the candidate already has experience with the work that they will be performing. They can also have the knowledge of your business and the people within it that they need to get the job done. They know what you’re looking for in a candidate, which means that you’ll have a much higher success rate when interviewing them.

Why Candidate Sourcing?

Managing company’s talent needs is the best way to is to have qualified candidates in the team. So, sourcing a talent within or out of the team is what matters here. What all matters the most is to find someone who is capable of filling out the position which is already held by someone or filling a position to complete a task.

Internal Sourcing : Its an efficient way and also considered as the best way to find the right talent. It is, because the candidate is already hired to full fill a job/task and we all know the candidates best parts and also the working nature of the candidate.

Here are some advantages of internal sourcing :

Cost effective : The candidates already working with the company at some CTC, what all  required is to check weather if the candidate is capable of dealing with the new position or not.

Its easy to sort : As we already said earlier, we all know the person who is already working with us for the company. Now we need to take those important calls weather to give the candidate the new position or not. This call can be taken by reviewing the past performance by the candidate, no.of projects they handled and what is the expectations of the candidate and are we good to go with the candidates expectations, also how is that effecting the company.

Ensuring adherence : By sourcing internal candidates and helping them to grow their carrier also helps the company by ensuring companies obedience. Any individual who is accepting the offer look for a carrier growth for them, by offering internal positions we establish employee – employer connection.

That’s how internal sourcing benefits a company.

Now Lets me share you few thoughts on how sourcing outside will help a company.

Not every time we find someone to fill a position internally right ? As a company it has some positions which are to be filled asap sometimes also some entry level and highly experienced positions also. Here comes the external sourcing in hand.

Source the right candidate : External sourcing helps us to find the right talent right at the point of time. As a company we only get a hand full of candidatures when we start recruiting, at times we need to have the right person in place who is already accomplished the Job with great accuracy. Sourcing externally will help us to get them asap. All prerequisites is already done in this case and all we need is to test a bit if he/she is right fit or not.

Sourcing Time : Here companies on a regular basis invest a lot of time in sourcing, interviewing, taking decisions etc, This time can be reduced by external sourcing from staffing  companies, because they have already done most of the part in this and all we check is the candidature here. That’s how a sourcing/staffing company helps most of the MNC’s save time.

Cost cutting : As we save most of our time in major parts above that will directly effect in productivity of the company, “Time is directly proportionally to money”. Yes this implies here because we are saving most of the time in not performing many activities like checking the candidature, previous work history etc, we can invest that time in productive work. That’s how we say time is directly proportional to money. In other words Time spent on productive work generates more revenue.

Recruitment plays a major role in any company even is  it is a small organisation or an MNC. reach out to us to use our experts help at

Candidate Sourcing.

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