5 Tips Overcoming Burnout as a Recruiter

5 Tips Overcoming Burnout as a Recruiter

If you are starting to feel overwhelmed, overworked, and stressed out, you are not alone. According to the latest statistics on signs of burnout, 2020 has been a trying year for many workers.

And, yes, if you are a human resources professional, you may be at the top of the list with others in your industry. For that reason, this article is a heads-up and encouragement for anyone who is now feeling burnt out.  Here are 5 tips Overcoming Burnout as a Recruiter

5 Tips Overcoming Burnout as a Recruiter

1. Pay Attention to Your Own Signs

One reason you and others may reach this state of burnout is due to ignoring the signs. To avoid problems that continue to escalate, you need to know how to recognize the signs:

– not sleeping well

– skipping early morning routines like a walk around a nearby park or not going to the gym 

– letting others know how you are feeling, keeping problems within yourself

2. Be Willing to Say “I’m Overloaded, I Not Okay

Trying to be everything to everybody is not always okay. Even though you may act like you are superhuman, there is a limit that you need to recognize. For instance, you can stop your HR management from piling everything onto your plate. By holding up the red flag early in the game, others on your staff can pitch in.

3. Protect Your Own Boundaries

Since the beginning of this pandemic, many things have changed.

One of the most important is people working from home. Working from home gives everyone a certain amount of freedom. However, these same freedoms can easily be trampled upon. For instance, if you do not want to work through your lunches and breaks, tell your team when you are unavailable.

4. Network to Build the Appropriate Support

As mentioned above, you need to block out a period of time for unavailability. Also, to protect this time, you should go the extra mile by networking with a desk buddy. A desk buddy is a person that everyone will call when you are away.

5. Develop a Plan of Attack When Your Performance Begins to Fall

Don’t wait until you are pushed against a brick wall. Be proactive about your performance. For instance, if you see that your performance is suffering, you may need to take a break to recoup. Actually, for those of you who have vacation time left, you should always feel free to use it.

Burnout is a real problem in the recruiting industry and can lead to lost productivity. It’s important for recruiters to be aware of their own signs that they are burning out so that they know when it’s time to take action before things get worse. The five tips discussed above should help you manage your workload more efficiently and reduce the risk of burnout. Remember, taking care of yourself will provide better service to your clients! If any one or more of these points resonate with you, reach out today- we would love to talk about how our team could work together on an effective plan for minimizing burnouts as a recruiter and maximizing success rates.

5 Tips Overcoming Burnout as a Recruiter

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