8 Tips for Becoming a Successful Recruiter

8 Tips for Becoming a Successful Recruiter

A recruiter has the important job of finding just the right, talented individuals who can make an impact on the team when they join the team or company. Successful recruiters may draw from a variety of strengths, but there are a few traits all effective recruiters share.

The following tips will help you develop the intuition and skills needed to become a successful recruiter, and then all you need is practice to make it happen.

  1. Build your network. Having a large network means having a database of potential recruits to draw from. Attend industry events, stay active in your social networks, and keep in touch with your potential candidates.
  2. Stand out. Build a personal brand that sets you apart from everyone else. Be authentic and deliver excellent service to stay memorable and be recommended for future referrals.
  3. Be tenacious. To be successful, you must have drive and tenacity. Making cold calls and always seeking new candidates requires that you stay proactive and determined.
  4. Remain a learner. Keeping up with industry changes and staying knowledgeable about evolving tools and techniques for recruiting will help you stay at the top of your game.
  5. Ask good questions. Work on your questioning skills and aim to discover everything you can so that you can make the most effective matches. Asking good questions and continuing to dig a little deeper gives you more knowledge about your candidates for better placement.
  6. Be a team player. If you branch out and partner with other successful recruiters, you benefit from the vast sea of knowledge and skills in your industry. When you work alongside others, you can pick up great tips to help you improve your skills. Even new recruiters help you learn new things and grow stronger by sharing your own skills.
  7. Use the phone. Make sure that you’re answering your phone and returning calls in a timely manner. Even if you don’t have good news, be sure to give updates or feedback to your candidates who are counting on you.
  8. Know your priorities. When you understand your priorities, you can better organize your day. You have many working parts to your business and you have deadlines to meet. Planning your day helps you to not fall short in any of those areas.
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